About IOPDL is about International Open Public Digital Library (IOPDL).

What is IOPDL?

International Open Public Digital Library is an open public digital library for the public to access digital resources all around the world for free or with at least restrictions as a nonprofit organization. In this context, ‘open’ means no limitations relating to geography, time, cost, authorization, and quality and quantity of collections. It is open to everyone use all over the world. It is open for the purpose of research, education, pleasure, etc. Also, ‘public’ means not only ordinary people but also all age’s people all over the world.

Purpose and Mission

International Open Public Digital Library (IOPDL) is proposed for the public of the world to access any digital resources for education, pleasure, or research, anywhere and anytime with as few limitations as possible. Moreover, the IOPDL is for the disabled to access any resources of the world (e.g. books, CD, DVD, images, educational games, etc.) without any limitations to enlarge their educational opportunities at home, school, or elsewhere anytime.


IOPDL will consist of a set of cooperating Well-Designed Digital Libraries (WDDLs) and a set of newly published collections all over the world in many subject areas. And it will provide a uniform interface and an integrated search engine. It will be very effective and efficient way to establish an international public digital library reducing budget, time, and effort.

The structure of IOPDL is like the structure of the U.S. federation. As each state runs with its own state laws and administrative policies, each WDDL runs with its own laws, administrative policies, and metadata standards. However, as the government of the U.S. governs states using national laws and policies, IOPDL will collaborate with WDDLs with its own international laws and policies. Also, it will achieve metadata interoperability among WDDLs using a Common Terminology (CT) at the schema, schema language, record, and repository metadata model levels. Moreover, as the U.S. government governs fifty states, a united organization for IOPDL will administrate cooperating WDDLs and support management of integrated collections all over the world with the policies of IOPDL. The organization may consist of leaders of WDDLs or cooperating governments all over the world. As the government promotes public interest first, IOPDL only pursues public and people interest all over the world with financial support of the government and states.

The Requirements

To establish IOPDL, five necessary  requirements are:


Ultimately, IOPDL will impact significantly in library, technology, and education fields.

  • It will inspire existing digital libraries to improve their services and quality of collections for the inclusion and sharing their infrastructure.
  • It will expand scopes and types of collections solving region limitations by shared infrastructure, and improve visibility and discoverability by using Common Terminology (CT) technology. CT can be shared with libraries to improve interoperability.
  • It will impact considerably on education by providing a life-long learning center with enriched resources all over the world and leading-edge technologies.
  • The development and effect will increase engaging all ages’ users in the U.S. and the world.
  • Lastly, it will be the most viable and promising unprecedented work in the U.S. library history, heightening much national prestige of America.


International Open Public Digital Library (IOPDL): A Proposal for the Future,‘ available on https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/50101.

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